Member Spotlight: Jabu "Jaybzm" Mulenga

A natural comedian, Jabu is also a passionate gamer, technology enthusiast, connoisseur and producer of music, and an incredible athlete. However, he is primarily a responsible family man whose habitat includes working hard in the IT field to provide for their needs. An addict of all things fast, this man has been rumoured to out-drive Bugatti Chirons using a Flintmobile. They say he could make it turn on an Ngwee…but thats a former life. It is at this moment in time that we will pivot to one of JB’s favourite quotes, by the great Thomas Sankara

"You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future."

JB’s passion for games motivates him to organise the Livingstone Global Game Jam site, and he continues to actively participate in our online game jams as time allows. An asset on any Trivia team, Jabu’s specialties include music, characters, and video games.

Join us as we ask Jabu some rapid fire questions…

How long have you been a member of the Nerd Otaku community?

I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago LOL. So, before there was Nerd Otaku I belonged to a group called The Saints that did basically what N|O does albeit on a much smaller scale, just a group of friends addicted to Nerd culture and all that comes with it. We would mostly link up weekends and host a console session or tournament at a friends house. I found Nerd Otaku via Facebook and back then it was just a Facebook Group with maybe 12 people at the most. A lot of the people I found are not even in the picture at the moment but I would say still play vital roles in the background. Long story short, I’m basically an Original.

In what industry do you work?

I am in the tech Industry and press buttons for a living.

What is the most exciting part of your job?

I would say that moment just before 5pm when I’m packing up my bags and preparing to clock out.

How does an average week look like in the life of Jabu?

I spend a lot of time at work. Most of my time is spent finding simple effective solutions to complex problems so it can be time consuming. Outside of that, I spend the rest of my time with my wife and children, some time on the Basketball Court and as much time as I can on my Home PC.

What is your most-used productivity hack?

I am a firm believer in the power of automation. It helps to automate your most mundane tasks leaving room for some heavier Brain lifting.

What was your dream job as a child?

I wanted to be a celebrity. I wasn’t too sure what the requirements were but I don’t think I fell too far off.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

Buy Colin an SSD.

If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

We’re going to Japan, and we’re doing our best to stay longer than a year. Truth be told it is the dream destination for a lot of people but it’s personal for me as it embodies the opposite of all the ills I see in my daily life..

Top family tradition?

Braiis and Birthday celebrations. I am working hard to build a car racing legacy for my children but that may be a few generations down

If you were a wrestler, what would be your entrance theme song?

Love this one. Wrestling was a big part of my early childhood and I was heavily influenced by Dennis to know more of the story and not just the fights. So I have an answer ready for this one; If I’m a villain by story its Fall Out Boy – My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark. If I’m a hero then Macky 2 ft Pompi – Early Riser.

What is an “insult” you have received that you are proud of?

I’ve been called a know it all in the most NSFW way possible. Proudest moment of my life.

What is your favourite music track so far this year?

Heard this one after a tip by Colin, Paris – Q-Mark ft Afriikan Papi.

What website or app doesn’t exist, but you really wish it did?

I would like a Site that calculates the pull of gravity according to my physical location on the planet.

What is your cellphone wallpaper?

I am ashamed to say I have a dynamic lock screen and wallpapers form the Samsung store. If its any consolation I have a cool dark theme applied. What I would like as a wallpaper though? A dark themed neon line Lion head sketch.

What’s the coolest (or most important) nerd related trend you see today?

Trends are fleeting and fickle.

If you could live inside any video game, what game would you choose?

I would be a Spectre in the Mass Effect Universe.

If you were to take a 10 year trip to Pluto, what single media format (digital or physical) would you take with you to keep you entertained on the journey?

This would be a perfect chance for me to catch up on my reading, so I will say physical books. I am not an avid reader and would like to expand that side of myself.

Jabu can be found in a Dota 2 game near you, or in our Cities Skyliness collab build. You can often find him actively participating in discussion on our Discord server.

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