Share Your Thoughts

We celebrate diverse interests and opinions, this website serves as an online platform that empowers people to share ideas that are exciting, inclusive, thoughtful, and relevant to them. If you have an interesting perspective on any topic, we want to hear it! Talk to us and lets publish your thoughts!

We are looking for…

You! Yes You!

Your ideas, interests, and thoughts might just be the content some of our other Otakus are craving to read! It doesn’t matter that you have never published something before, our friendly editors will guide you each step of the way. Our aim is to share your unique perspective with the world, to help you learn about communicating your ideas, and perhaps lead you to a place where you discover something new about your topic!

As a nonprofit organization we cannot, at present, afford to pay our contibuting authors. We hope that one day this will change as we grow. However, we can offer friendly advice, access to experienced editors, and a great audience for your thoughts!

Join our Discord to connect with our community and friendly editors, we cannot wait to hear your ideas!

+26 (096) 639-0899
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