Member Spotlight: Chibeka "Jack of Blades" Chele

Chibeka is one of the original founding members of Nerd Otaku and currently helps out our organization by doing all our accounting and managing our finances. A softspoken individual, Chibeka is your go-to partner when you need someone to answer questions related to TV shows in a bout of trivia, like our Sunday Night Trivia that you can all participate in on our Discord server. We had a chat with Chibeka about his interests and work, and we give him a couple of interesting questions to answer.

An ardent Red Devil fan, Chibeka works at Lusaka Trust Hospital in the accounting department as a debt controller.

For our nerdy audience, Chibeka feels that the favourite part of his job is data analysis and reconciliation. These two terms basically describe the process of cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful information for business decision-making. The purpose is to extract actionable information that can be used by the Lusaka Trust Hospital to make better decisions.

In order to get to know Chibeka a little better, we prepared a couple of rapid fire questions…

What was your favourite subject in school?


How does an average week look like in the life of Chibeka?

Mostly work during the weekdays, I watch a series or 2 in the evenings and some gaming on the weekends.

If we paid for a meal to be delivered to your door, what would you order?

Anything really, not much of a picky eater

Well, in that case shirako it is.. we hope you enjoy it!

Top family tradition?

Don’t think we have any, lol.

Pick a superpower, any superpower…


Which format is superior, TV Series or Movie?

This is a trick question right? Right? It’s definitely TV Series!

If you were given a billion dollars to reboot any game or video game franchise, which one would you choose?

I wouldn’t mind a new Command and Conquer game.

What are you currently binge watching, and what game currently takes most of your time?

It would be easier to name what I’m not watching. I think the most recent would be Raised by Wolves Season 2 or Bridgerton Season 2. The game that takes up most of my time is Hades, just recently finished all the achievements.

What is your favourite artist/album?

James Blunt – Moonlandig

If you could live in any TV show, what show would it be and why?

I love Sci-fi so I would go with The Expanse. I like the setting, the planets beyond the ring gates look interesting, the only thing to worry about would be the protomolecule and the unknown entities. I would avoid traveling through the ring gates too many times!

We hope you enjoyed learning more about Chibeka. Please make sure to say “hi” next time you see him at an event, he does a lot in the background to make what we do possible.

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